Upcoming Exams

This page shows the next exam for each subject.
Click on a subject to see all exams for that subject.
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Countdown Date Subject
15/05/25 09:00 (AM) Mathematics
02/06/25 09:00 (AM) Statistics
12/06/25 13:30 (PM) Further Mathematics


Countdown Date Subject
23/05/25 09:00 (AM) English Language
12/05/25 09:00 (AM) English Literature


Countdown Date Subject
02/06/25 13:30 (PM) Astronomy
13/05/25 13:30 (PM) Biology
19/05/25 09:00 (AM) Chemistry
12/05/25 13:30 (PM) Computer Science
22/05/25 09:00 (AM) Physics
13/05/25 13:30 (PM) Combined Science
09/05/25 13:30 (PM) Geology

Humanities & Social Sciences

Countdown Date Subject
08/05/25 09:00 (AM) Biblical Hebrew
08/05/25 13:30 (PM) Citizenship Studies
14/05/25 09:00 (AM) Geography
16/05/25 09:00 (AM) History
08/05/25 09:00 (AM) Psychology
12/05/25 09:00 (AM) Religious Studies
14/05/25 13:30 (PM) Economics
09/05/25 09:00 (AM) Sociology
14/05/25 13:30 (PM) Media Studies
15/05/25 13:30 (PM) Ancient History
20/05/25 13:30 (PM) Classical Civilisation
14/05/25 13:30 (PM) Classical Greek

Modern Languages

Countdown Date Subject
22/05/25 13:30 (PM) Arabic
12/05/25 13:30 (PM) Chinese
21/05/25 09:00 (AM) French
12/06/25 13:30 (PM) Greek
08/05/25 13:30 (PM) German
03/06/25 09:00 (AM) Gujarati
02/06/25 09:00 (AM) Italian
02/06/25 13:30 (PM) Japanese
03/06/25 09:00 (AM) Portuguese
03/06/25 13:30 (PM) Persian
03/06/25 09:00 (AM) Russian
10/06/25 09:00 (AM) Spanish
08/05/25 09:00 (AM) Turkish
19/05/25 13:30 (PM) Urdu
03/06/25 13:30 (PM) Bengali
12/06/25 13:30 (PM) Modern Hebrew
03/06/25 13:30 (PM) Panjabi
03/06/25 13:30 (PM) Polish
09/05/25 09:00 (AM) Latin

Arts & Design

Countdown Date Subject
08/05/25 09:00 (AM) Drama
18/06/25 09:00 (AM) Design and Technology
16/06/25 13:30 (PM) Music
02/06/25 13:30 (PM) Dance
17/06/25 13:30 (PM) Food Preparation and Nutrition
02/06/25 13:30 (PM) Engineering
08/05/25 13:30 (PM) Electronics
09/05/25 09:00 (AM) Film Studies
03/06/25 13:30 (PM) Engineering Manufacture
13/05/25 09:00 (AM) Engineering Design
12/06/25 13:30 (PM) Engineering Programmable Systems
09/06/25 13:30 (PM) Creative iMedia


Countdown Date Subject
09/05/25 13:30 (PM) Business
19/05/25 13:30 (PM) Physical Education
04/06/25 13:30 (PM) Health and Social Care
19/05/25 13:30 (PM) IT
20/05/25 13:30 (PM) Child Development
21/05/25 13:30 (PM) Enterprise and Marketing
14/05/25 13:30 (PM) Sport Science